“You Belong” is an animation project that was created in collaboration with Peter (Instagram @p_c0rvin), Ola (Instagram @tarkalatarka) and Chantal (Instagram @chantalbrandes) during the 24 Frames of Queer Project in Berlin.
My part in this project was the third part. I used a stop motion paper cutout technique to animate my character. Her story contains a lot of feelings of confusion and inadequacy, as she faces our societies conventions and norms growing up. Later in life she finds out that she is queer and then faces a completely different set of conventions and norms. The story is about finding yourself and being true to that.
This 2D Point-and-Click-Adventure was made in collaboration with Sonja Eichmann, Tatjana Lindt, Leendrina Steenbergen, Selina Rosenthal und Mareike Bussat. I did all animations in this game, as well as a little programming and bug fixing.
The Laboratory was a collaborated project in our second semester of university, documenting our first experiences with 3D modeling in Maya. I had help from Malin Weinhardt, Michael Borkowski, Eduard Pufal, Tatjana Lindt, Clara Heß and Janno Süßmilch.
My part in this project was mainly the tanks (without the tubes), the lighting and atmosphere, a few detail objects and composing a room out of the seperate elements, as well as texturing and rendering it.